
Archive for February, 2010


Friday, February 26th, 2010

I draw the line at plumber’s crack. It was okay if Ane’s jeans were a smidgen short at the ankles. When she started having to be told constantly – through no fault of her own – to keep hitching up her jeans, I knew it was time to go clothes shopping. As part of my […]

Ane Speaks – Choices

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

We bought our minivan when Tad was just shy of a year old, so we’ve never had an infant car seat in there before. Since the minivan is our primary family vehicle, that’s obviously where it’s going to be. Since Tad still rides in a 5-point harness car seat (not that he truly needs it, […]


Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

I am slowly but surely tackling those items on my list of “things to do before Rerun arrives.” Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa came over Monday with the basinette. This is a family tradition – and probably too old to be considered “safe” anymore, but three generations have slept in it. Ane loves hearing the list of […]

Kid Talk

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

We finally got together with Friend and Doc on Sunday night, after a crazy few weeks. They had company in town, Friend was playing her fingers off with different performances, Doc had a major lecture to present at the university that he teaches at, and the Brain and Head had drama camp all last week […]