
Archive for April, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Backtracking to a week ago, when the Webmaster and Ane went to the Father-Daughter Dance… I was at home with Tad and Rerun, so it was Mother and Sons Movie Night.  Since Rerun is not picky or opinionated about movies, Tad got to do the choosing. “Mama, how about Star Wars movie?” Yes, but the […]

Follow the Money

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Every year, Great-Grandma raids Great-Grandpa’s change jar, fills up her plastic Easter eggs, and stages an Easter egg hunt in their family room.  This began at some point during Auntie’s childhood, but now that Auntie is too old to hunt the eggs, she hides them. Once the eggs were hidden, the hunt was ON. Tad […]

Easter Sunday

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

We got up extra early on Easter Sunday.  I really really really had to be on time for first service at church, since I was scheduled for nursery duty.  (We ended up with six kids total, so not so bad.)  So the Webmaster and I got up and moving and dressed, and then got the […]

Easter Egg Hunt

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Saturday was easily the most gorgeous day in recent memory.  The sun was shining, there was just a whisper of a breeze, and the grass was mostly dry.  Perfect conditions for an Easter Egg Hunt!  Especially considering that the last three years have been so rainy that I made the kids wear rain boots and […]