
Archive for June, 2016

Epitome of Cool

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

You will never be as cool as Thumper in sunglasses. So cool… and so cute!

Happy Birthday, Webmaster!

Wednesday, June 29th, 2016

Dear Webmaster, I know that you don’t like to be reminded of the passing years, so I’ll just say it once… Happy birthday! You are very much loved. (reposting the picture from Father’s Day, because it’s that good.) With all our love, The kids and me

Thumper, Would You Sleep???

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Ever since school got out, Thumper has been refusing to take naps.  I think I can count on one hand the number of times he’s successfully napped in his own bed here at home. He’s just not tired enough at naptime.  He didn’t have to get up early, he isn’t being run as hard, so […]

Tetris Birds

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Rerun is really enjoying playing Tetris on the iPad.  He likes the puzzle aspect of it. But what happens when Mom says “no iPad”? Rerun is all about DIY. And inviting his stuffed friends to play along. “Look, Mom, the Angry Birds and I are playing Tetris!” This kid never gets bored.