
Aloha Means Goodbye, Too

A full seven days looks like a long time on paper.  But all too soon, it was time for us to pack up and fly home.

I miss these faces.

Aunt Deanna and the B Squad

And yeah, I even miss this one.

Me with the Major

(Gotta love Bette’s photobomb expression in the corner there.)

There were hugs all around when it was time to get in our rental car.


More hugs

And only a few hours later, we were on the plane, flying home.

Rerun and Thumper on the plane

I must say, the kids travel pretty well.  I was proud of them on the flights.

We arrived back in Seattle, picked up our luggage, and were greeted by Grandma!  She had brought our minivan to pick us up.  The kids were mixed about being back in our “old” car after a week in an SUV with a DVD player.  (Their father was, too, but for different reasons.  I was more than happy to be back in the minivan.)

And that’s the end of the Hawaii travelogue!  I hope you’ve enjoyed reading along!

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