
Birthday wishes for a special guy

Today is the Webmaster’s 30th birthday. Since I’ve never made an entry under the “Husbands” category, today seemed like the right time to write one for it.

Besides allowing me this blog in which I show some of the funny and complicated sides of family life around here, he has been very kind and supportive in showing me how to get certain things done for this blog without being condescending or too helpful. This has been a wonderful thing for me.

He is also a great daddy who loves the Munchkin with all his heart, and she reciprocates that feeling by running for the door when he walks in.

He is a valued son and son-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle, grandson and grandson-in-law to all of the family, both his side and mine. He is tech support for many people, and is never impatient when called upon to help.

But most of all, I enjoy being married to him. We’re coming up on 5 years, and we have been incredibly blessed in that time in so many ways. His faithfulness to God, and to me, is evident in nearly everything that he does. If you can’t tell, I love him very much.

This almost reconciles me to the fact that I let him buy “Battlefield 2” for his birthday gift. He might never go to bed on time again.

One Response to “Birthday wishes for a special guy”

  1. efish
    June 29th, 2005 11:31

    Well, I *did* get to bed before dawn this morning 😉

    Btw, I’m sorry to those of you who have yet to register… still working on this.