
Archive for March, 2006

A hodgepodge of things

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

There is a lot going on right now, but nothing is really coming to me as being so important that it deserves its own post. So, here is a bunch of little tidbits for all of you… Baby Boy finally cut a tooth! We’ve only been waiting for, oh, A WEEK!!! It had just been […]

This is what we call a “set-up”

Monday, March 27th, 2006

Exchange heard at the dinner table yesterday, during Head’s birthday party: The Brain: (points to his cousin) Munchkin, can you say “Josh”? The Munchkin: Josh. The Brain: Don’t talk with your mouth full.

There is hope!!

Friday, March 24th, 2006

I just heard the sounds of Baby Boy giggling his little head off in the living room. When I peeked my head in, I saw him laying on the floor, with the Munchkin sitting next to him. She was tickling him. Gently! Nicely! Not harming him! Making him laugh! Thank God, there is hope for […]

Corner list by the numbers

Friday, March 24th, 2006

In the last 24 hours: The number of times the Munchkin used the potty: 1 The number of full meals eaten by Baby Boy: 3 (hurray!) The number of teeth cut: 0 (boo) The number of “Lilo & Stitch” episodes watched: 2 The number of laundry loads done: 2 The number of bowls of jello […]