
Archive for July, 2006

Adventures at the Mall – now with coupons!

Monday, July 31st, 2006

A very dangerous event occured when Obachan handed me a Janeville coupon. This all started when we went shopping at the mall together a couple of weeks ago. When she bought some clothes for the kids at Gymboree, she earned Gymbucks to go with it. So, when she went back to pick out some more […]

What a toddler wants: Elmo panties

Friday, July 28th, 2006

Yesterday was a big day – the Munchkin finally pooped in the potty again (after an almost two-week refusal to do so)! I think I just caught her at the right time. We’re attempting to introduce some new techniques into our potty training. The Munchkin has become quite complacent about getting a sticker for her […]

Happiness is cheap

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

Last week when I had the kids out shopping at the mall, the Munchkin found a penny on the floor in the lounge outside of the bathrooms. She was thrilled. “Mommy, I go throw penny in fountain?” she asked eagerly. It was as simple as that: finding a penny and getting to toss it in […]

Now you see it…

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

Now you don’t. Ten inches have left my head and are on their way to Locks of Love. It feels very strange – my hair has never been this short. My neck itches. I’m sure I’ll get used to it, and my hair grows back fairly quickly. It might be back down to my shoulders […]