
Happy Birthday to Doc!

Today is Doc’s birthday! He and Friend went out to dinner last night to celebrate. How do I know? We baby-sat the Brain and Head for them. It actually went very well (thank you, Veggie Tales), even though none of the kids, except Tad, was in the mood for spaghetti, apparently.

Anyway, happy birthday, Doc, and I’m glad to go back to being 4 years younger than you after six days of being three years younger. 😉

One Response to “Happy Birthday to Doc!”

  1. Juliet
    October 4th, 2006 08:17

    Happy birthday! And happy feast day of St. Francis! I always thought Doc was so lucky to have October 4 as his birthday. I was born on the feast of St. Norbert. Whoopee.

    Also, Doc wins the award, which I just made up, for Person I Most Want to Have a Blog Who Doesn’t Yet. Hint. 😉