
Cards – FINISHED – and other Christmas matters

I will now exhale. A little.

At some point, it turned from, “Oh, well, if the card doesn’t have quite the same bells and whistles on it as my sample, it won’t matter,” into “I only talk to this person once a year and who cares what kind of card they get.”

And – I’m not sure how this happens, but it does every year – I have extras.

How, I have no idea. I do a preliminary count in my address book and come up with a base number, add ten for various extras I know I will need for church friends who are in the church directory and not my address book, and I still have more than I needed.

Yes, I will save them for next year. But – darn it, do you know how much time I spent agonizing over not having enough???

All that aside, I enjoy this part – addressing the envelopes. I like to write them out. It’s very therapeutic for me. Plus I have nice handwriting. Yes, I do. I had a 5th grade teacher who was a calligraphy expert, and he was a stickler for handwriting. This was back when handwriting mattered, because PC’s were pieces of expensive junk back then and many kids didn’t have typewriters lying around to write up book reports on. Those were also the days of the dot matrix printers, which we had in my 6th grade classroom – the first time we’d ever had a computer in the classroom (this would have been 1989).

I worry that my kids will not have nice handwriting or know how to spell without spell-check. I worry that fine handwriting is a dying art.

I digress…

Christmas music now reigns supreme at bedtime. The Munchkin vascillates between the two Veggie Tales Christmas CDs. I am making Tad listen to excerpts from the Nutcracker. I’m not sure if the classical music I make him listen to at bedtime is helping his brain at all, but it sure is a heck of a lot more soothing. And though I loathe the Baby Einstein DVDs with a passion, their music CDs are actually quite wonderful.

The kids also love listening to the Vince Guaraldi Trio’s A Charlie Brown Christmas. The Webmaster came home from work on Tuesday to find me and the kids dancing to “O Tannenbaum” in the living room. Christmas jazz. Don’t tell me that your toes don’t start tapping when you hear “Linus and Lucy” playing.

However, I have not yet managed to get in a playing of the Carpenters’ Christmas albums yet. I have been vetoed twice by the Munchkin when I tried. John Denver and the Muppets’ A Christmas Together got a huge thumbs-up, though.

I am SO glad that Scrubs is on again. Sorry, random non sequiter. I’m good at those.

Happy holiday weekends, everyone – Little Cousin and her mommy are coming to town! Yay!

4 Responses to “Cards – FINISHED – and other Christmas matters”

  1. Dozeymagz
    December 8th, 2006 04:14

    Well done for finishing all your cards!!!! YAAAAY!!! I think I may have to get mine started soon…. eek!!!
    Anyway, I was awake at a silly time last night, and found myself wondering about possible Munchkin names..! I only came up with one more, but since I figured there is already a WebMaster in your house, then surely he should have a ‘Padawan’…?

  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    December 8th, 2006 07:46

    I’m excited to come to town too!

  3. Juliet
    December 8th, 2006 20:02

    My elementary school teachers tried in vain to make my handwriting pretty. It’s not. I just gave up on cursive after middle school. Any sane person would rather read my printing anyway. (On the GRE, you have to write a statement pledging not to cheat, in cursive. This is proof the ETS is insane.)

    But I can spell! Mostly.

  4. L.
    December 9th, 2006 19:30

    Last year, handwriting was an actual subject with a LETTER GRADE on report cards, at my kids` Catholic school!

    Alas, this year, it no longer is. I guess it`s because the nuns are gone.*

    Too bad — both my kids got A`s in it.

    *(Although overall I can`t say I`m unahppy that the nuns are gone.)