
Archive for January, 2007


Friday, January 19th, 2007

The weekend is upon us, and the roads lay bare. And wet. No snow. Or ice. HALLELUJAH! ***** Sooo, I have a stamp camp at Friend’s house on Sunday afternoon (and Handy Girl, you had better show up – no weather excuses! Your birthday is tomorrow! Don’t you want your birthday present???), and I have […]

Maybe next Halloween…

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

Ane received A Treasury of Curious George from the Webmaster’s aunt and uncle for Christmas, and she loves looking through it, hearing the stories, and then watching “Curious George” on PBS. Tad is quite fond of the show, too. I like the fact that they have two 15 minute stories on each show, so if […]

Laundry, laundry everywhere

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

Not only am I dealing with the normal wash load for a family of 4, but Ane had TWO wet beds yesterday (one overflowing Pull-up in the morning, and one accident at naptime). I barely got her bed re-made at night in time for her actual bedtime. My poor septic tank. Send help, and some […]

Would you like to have something to eat?

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

Ane cooked up a dinner for her dolly using her new pots and pans (a Christmas gift from her Grandma), and her play sushi. The play sushi comes with chopsticks, plastic sushi, a bowl of rice, a wasabi leaf, teacup and bottle of shoyu (soy sauce), and was a Christmas gift from the Captain and […]