
A special celebration

I have a lot to get done today.

We’re going over to my mother’s a little later to assemble party favors. When I get back this afternoon, I need to make a blueberry cheesecake. I need to wrap a present.

Tomorrow is the baby shower for Handy Girl, to be held at CW Mom’s house, hosted by her, me and Handy Girl’s sister.

While all babies are a big deal, this one is an even bigger deal than usual to those of us who are friends of Handy Girl and Handy Guy. This baby boy (who is due in 5 to 6 weeks) was conceived via in-vitro fertilization. And not only that, this was Handy Girl’s 4th IVF.

I must admit to not having any credibility whatsoever when it comes to infertility issues. I have two beautiful children and no problem at all conceiving them. I’ve never been through a miscarriage either, so while I have great sympathy for those friends of mine who have suffered one, I have no real understanding of the emotional toll it takes. I often read infertility issue-oriented blogs (my personal favorite being A Little Pregnant), but I never comment on them. I simply feel like I don’t have anything to add to the conversation.

Any understanding I have of the issues surrounding infertility, I credit Handy Girl for. Through all of this, her attitude has been unfailingly kind and constant. When I learned that I was pregnant (surprise!) with Tad, I felt a tremendous amount of guilt at having to tell Handy Girl. I already had one healthy child, and now I was going to have another one. Since she only lives a few minutes away from me, she comes over to hang out semi-frequently. It was on one of those visits that I told her about the pregnancy, and how badly I felt about telling her.

Her response was something I’ll never forget. “I don’t want you to feel bad about telling me!” she exclaimed. “This is good news!”

I am so excited that after waiting for so long, she and Handy Guy are finally going to have a Handy Baby boy, and become initiated into the world of parenthood. This is one special, very much awaited and loved baby.

And it’s going to be one great party tomorrow.

2 Responses to “A special celebration”

  1. Juliet
    February 9th, 2007 13:35


  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    February 10th, 2007 09:42

    Mama told me about the favors, they sound so cute! Take a picture of the favors for me!