
Eighteen months

Tad is 18 months old today.

Where did that time go???

The mind-blower to me is that Ane was only 19 months old when Tad was born. I am so glad that I am not having another baby so closely together again.

But I’m starting to have baby pangs. The Webmaster and I were in the nursery at church yesterday, and the youngest one in there was almost six months old. She was so small (compared to Tad – in reality, she’s quite a chubby little baby), and she doesn’t yet crawl (sigh), and it was hard to remember when Tad was like that – especially as he was running around with the older toddlers and racing cars around the nursery.

Saturday was Handy Girl’s shower (which I think went off quite well, considering Handy Girl’s sister was recovering from the flu and CW Mom was combating mastitis), and we all got a peek at the Wocket, who is now 6 weeks old. I last saw him at 2 days old, and he has filled out and changed so much. His little face is quite round.

All this is leading me to look at a calendar. How soon do I want another baby, now that Tad is definitely no longer a baby?

Well, I have a few things I want to do first. Like complete potty training for Ane and begin it for Tad, go to Disneyland, write the great American novel… you know, minor details.

I know we’re not ready for another baby yet. But someday, we will be. In the meantime, I’ll be getting my baby fixes from the Wocket, Handy Baby, and my stints in the nursery. That should be enough to tide me over.

2 Responses to “Eighteen months”

  1. Erin
    February 12th, 2007 20:16

    Ahhh… Baby fever. Glad to see I’m not the only crazy one with it! LOL!

  2. Dozeymagz
    February 13th, 2007 11:56

    I know how you feel! I had Dustbunny when Mophead was 19 months too. I still don’t know how I managed!