
Things to do

Lots of things to get done today. Must:

– finish preparing for stamp camp at mother-in-law’s house (6 more boxes to prep)
– get to Costco (out of milk and Resolve, need to fill up gas tank in car)
– buy father-in-law’s birthday gift (birthday today, see him tomorrow)
– get Ane to Pajamarama tonight (party at church, kids watch Curious George and eat pizza)
– run assorted errands after dropping kids off with my mother (because I move faster without them)
– clean up kitchen (before declared federal disaster area)
– run load of jeans (so the Webmaster will not complain)
– get card in mail (Handy Girl & Handy Guy’s 6th wedding anniversary tomorrow!!!)

All this means no afternoon nap for me, even though I was stricken with insomnia last night and was up until 4 am. I have no idea why. I just looked up and it was 4 am, and I’d been awake the whole time. Ugh.

Still, much to do. Catch you all later!

2 Responses to “Things to do”

  1. Little Cousin's Mommy
    February 17th, 2007 06:25

    My day looks kind of similar, minus the errands but with a lot more cleaning to do!

  2. DozeyMagz
    February 19th, 2007 03:08

    That’s one very busy day! Remember to take a few moments out for youself though!