

I feel like I’m talking to myself this week. I’m going to chalk it up this week and next to spring break – the regular old school kind, not the college variety.

Tomorrow’s play date has been cancelled due to colds, so I will continue my war against the dandelions in the backyard – at least, until the Webmaster sprays them. My allergies have been behaving themselves, but all the muscles in my back and rear end hurt – not to mention my right hand. The one I’ve been ruthlessly yanking up giant dandelions with.

I guess I’d better pay attention to the kids – Ane is demanding a chocolate egg for eating breakfast, and that’s just not how it works around here.

Oh, I guess I’d better get their Easter baskets out. I think the fresh air has fried my brain.

2 Responses to “Hello?”

  1. Matthew
    April 5th, 2007 20:15

    Sorry! I’ve had a cold and it’s baseball season. I need some time to adjust!

    I’ve got a little gardening to do myself. Can Webmaster stop by my place after he’s done there?

  2. Dozeymagz
    April 8th, 2007 05:44

    Sorry too! We’ve had a friend up to stay and I have hardly had any PC time at all!!! I’m getting all twitchy for the lack of Cyberlife!!!!