
Back home

Now I remember why vacations are good for people!

They make great blog fodder. I could blog for a week about this whole trip. I won’t, but I could. I’ll talk more about it next week, and it will be illustrated with pictures.

The kids really did pretty well at the house we rented. It was Tad’s first extended trip away from home, and the kids visited Oregon for the first time. Yes, my kids had never left Washington state until this trip. We’d been all the way over to Spokane with Ane for a family reunion when she was seven months old, but we didn’t slip over the border into Idaho. Silly us. Anyway, I don’t even think they noticed that it was anywhere different, but they had a good time.

However, life waits for no one – and we got home yesterday afternoon to a pile of mail and all sorts of fun stuff, like:
– Ane is invited to a birthday party for a little girl at church – and the party is TODAY. As in, this afternoon. Fortunately, I found a gift that will work in my emergency stash. Tad is also welcome to come along, or we’d be unable to go. As it is, I’m missing out on tea with my mother and Belle’s Mommy at a little tea shop at Country Village because of this. Bummer.
– The Webmaster has been summoned for jury duty! Again! He was called up last fall, but he was on contract at the time and they didn’t compensate for jury duty. So, he got a delay, he’s now full-time, and he’s been called up again. That, and the blood bank called to ask him to come in and donate again. He’s a good bleeder.
– Bills, bills, bills. Need I say more?

And this is the last weekend that the Captain and family will be here, so I anticipate busy times. Belle is being dedicated at church on Sunday. Our pastor is the same one who dedicated the Captain, so it is fitting that he gets to dedicate Belle. I hope she lets him hold her – she can be really clingy.

Have a great weekend, everyone, and check back on Monday for pictures!

2 Responses to “Back home”

  1. Dozeymagz
    April 13th, 2007 10:34

    Glad you had a lovely trip. Hope Ane and Tad had fun at the party – (splendid present improvisation there! ) Hope you all have a great weekend!

  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    April 13th, 2007 13:40

    I’m glad you all got back safely. Your kids are behind the times, Little Cousin had been to seven states at two months! Don’t worry about Ane missing Idaho for the family reunion, you’re not missing anything.

    Tea at Country Village sounds nice. The next time I’m up there, let’s try and go there with Mom (sans kids). Oddball can watch them all!

    I’m never allowed to donate blood. I don’t weigh enough, except when I’m pregnant – and then I need my extra blood. 😉 Oddball’s a good bleeder too, the Army donates lots of its soldiers’ blood.