
Aquarium pictures

So, to show you what else we were up to while I was away…

Last Thursday, the kids and I picked up Friend and the boys, and met Oddball, Little Cousin and her Mommy at the Seattle Aquarium. The aquarium is going under some renovation, but is still open right now. We ran into several school groups while we were there. Since the aquarium is mostly indoors and right on the water, it was a nice way to spend a warm day.

The Brain, Head, Tad and Ane with the seal figure right near their tank. Do you know how hard it is to get 4 kids, 4 and under, to hold still for a picture??

Look at that!
We arrived in time to watch the seals get their lunch tossed to them. The trainers would toss a fish near the glass, and the seals would spring up to get it, which delighted the kids.

Uncle Oddball and Little Cousin pose with Ane in the orca display. Ane was impressed with how tall the fin was.

Tad roams free!
In the underwater dome room, I let Tad out of his stroller and let him roam freely. He LOVED it. Usually I have to make sure he doesn’t run away from me, but he was absolutely entranced by the view.

The kids take a look
Ane joined Tad for this picture. All the kids loved this room.

A happy Little Cousin
Little Cousin gets a thrill out of the jellyfish. She enjoyed the aquarium a lot more than the zoo, for some reason.

And that was our aquarium trip!

And lest I forget… a very happy birthday today to Juliet, and a very happy 1st birthday to little Jav! And it is the 63rd anniversary of D-Day, as well… on this single day, the United States lost over 29,000 soldiers in one battle. May we never forget.

2 Responses to “Aquarium pictures”

  1. Dozeymagz
    June 6th, 2007 13:41

    Great piccies! Yay! My connection is fixed again and I can catch up with everyone! I’ve missed you!

  2. Deanna’s Corner » Blog Archive » Poppylocks
    July 3rd, 2007 09:56

    […] For example, she was talking about our recent trip to the Seattle Aquarium, and she kept saying “carom” – which had me confused. I asked her to say it again. “Car-ee-om, Mommy,” she told me, and then the light finally clicked on for me. Aquarium! […]