
My new appliance

I am finally getting a freezer!!!!!!!!!!!!

As all fathers wish to do on Father’s Day, the Webmaster and I took the kids to what Bob the Tomato euphemistically referred to as “House Depot” after church yesterday, armed with all the gift cards we received from said store last Christmas. The goal: buy a freezer for our garage.

Ever since we had kids – maybe even before – I have long desired to have a freezer for extra food storage. It would make parties much easier, and also stocking up on sale food items, especially meat. I have big plans for this freezer, as you can see. So, we received many gift cards to House Depot last Christmas with the intent that we would go and buy a freezer. There was a major obstacle, though.

Our garage does not have that many outlets, and the one spare outlet actually shuts off when the lights are turned off. Not a good idea to plug in a freezer there. So, this problem required the help of… Super Great-Grandpa! My step-grandfather, my kids’ beloved great-grandpa, is a semi-retired electrician and one of the kindest and most giving souls I know. It took a few visits to our house to just work on figuring out the circuit box and figuring out how best to run a line to where we wanted to put the freezer, and one intense Saturday work party with the Webmaster, but an outlet capable of supporting a freezer was installed in just the right spot. Oh, and Great-Grandpa installed a motion-sensor light outside over the garage door while he was at it, too.

So, we finally went to House Depot yesterday to buy our freezer, with the assistance of very helpful employees and an ever-inquisitive Ane, who wanted to know if she could get a House Depot apron. I told her that she needed to work there to get one. She wanted to start working right away, but I told her she had to be a bigger girl to do that, but Gichan would be thrilled if she was wearing a orange House Depot apron and working there someday.

The freezer is being delivered on Saturday – I need the Webmaster at home to handle it, since there is no way I can keep both kids out of the garage by myself while it’s being brought in. This is so exciting!!

Can anyone out there empathize with me, or am I just weird? No answering that last one, Little Cousin’s Mommy. 😉

2 Responses to “My new appliance”

  1. Matthew
    June 18th, 2007 20:43

    How come garages never have enough outlets? Don’t they know us men want to plug in stuff?

    Anyway, congrats on the freezer. When’s the freezer “warming” party?

  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    June 19th, 2007 06:04

    Well if I can’t answer what’s the point?