
Taking a little trip

I am taking the kids on their very first plane trip in a week. Both of them. By myself. With connecting flights.

I think I might be crazy.

The kids and I are flying from Seattle to Denver, and then Denver to Springfield, Missouri, to visit the Captain, Q-Bee and Belle for a week. The kids are really looking forward to seeing their uncle and aunt and cousin again (well, Ane is), and I’m looking forward to traveling and seeing my brother and some of the sights.

I am, however, REALLY freaked out about flying with both kids by myself. There are just so many things that could go wrong.

I have tried to prepare for the plane flights by packing some sugarless lollipops, choosing some books (and buying a couple of new ones) to help pass the time, and thinking of all sorts of things that will occupy the kids and not bug other people. The Webmaster even purchased a portable DVD player for us, which will be my weapon of last resort.

But I’m looking for other ideas for keeping two active kids relatively happy for their first plane trips. Yes, they each have their own seat, so I’m sure that’s step one in keeping the peace (we will have a row all to ourselves).

Any ideas or suggestions out there? Any veteran travelers willing to share tips with me? Any advice on traveling solo with two kids?

I’m remembering the days when it used to be a big deal to go out to the grocery store or the mall with two kids by myself. This is a much bigger step. Anyone out there? Help!!

2 Responses to “Taking a little trip”

  1. Dale
    June 28th, 2007 10:41

    um, good luck 🙂

  2. Dozeymagz
    July 3rd, 2007 03:12

    I bow to your brave insanity!!!