

Thank you to everyone who has commented, emailed, called or come to spend time with us over these last couple of days. You have no idea how much it has helped us.

Tad had his surgery at 4:30 pm on Thursday. According to the pediatric surgeon, he came through it like a champ. He will get an x-ray check-up in one week to make sure the bone is healing properly, and then the cast and pins will come out two weeks after that. Modern medicine is truly amazing.

We are currently waiting for him to start eating normally again. Once he starts eating and keeping down food, and we have his pain properly managed, we will be able to go home.

Ane is going to continue her stay with Grandma and Gichan for the time being, while the Webmaster continues making runs between the hospital and home.

I’ll continue updating when I can. Thanks, everyone.

4 Responses to “Recovery”

  1. Secha
    August 17th, 2007 05:28

    I’ve been staring at this box for 5 minutes trying to think of what to write and I can’t think of anything other than *big hugs* to all of you. =( At least they were able to fix him up relativly quickly.

  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    August 17th, 2007 05:42

    We were all praying for him during his surgery time – thanks for calling. We’re so happy he’s doing well and we’ll continue to pray for a healthy recovery.

  3. Linda
    August 17th, 2007 09:55

    Keeping all, especially Tad, in our prayers. Happy to know that he came through well. Take each day as it comes and keep us all posted! Give Tad a gentle hug from all of us.

  4. Deanna’s Corner » Blog Archive » Tad Speaks - Bunny Hunt
    July 24th, 2008 01:57

    […] As most of you know, Tad has a “lovey.” His is Bunny, this now much-loved and many-times-washed bunny blanket (a gift from Great-Grandma when we found out he was a boy). Bunny has been with him in the best of times (Bunny was in the carry-on diaper bag on our recent trip to Disneyland, because we couldn’t risk packing Bunny in with the luggage, and Tad slept with him every night), and in the worst of times (Bunny was allowed to accompany Tad into surgery when his broken arm was being set). […]