
My new niece!

Little Cousin has a new baby sister!

Little Cousin meets Baby Cousin!

My sister (The Sister Formerly Known As Little Cousin’s Mommy And Needs A New Blog Name) and my brother-in-law Oddball had their baby girl on Sunday, September 9th – Grandparents Day! Which was nice because my mother was present for the birth and got to cut the cord herself! I waited to announce her birth because I needed pictures. Isn’t she adorable?

Baby Cousin - awake!

Sadly, I won’t be able to get my hands on her until probably Christmastime. 🙁 My mother has gotten in all this nice baby time and is flying home today – much to Ane’s relief. She has missed her Grandma a lot. However, Little Cousin will probably miss Grandma just as much, because with all the attention being given to Baby Cousin (her blog name until further notice), Grandma has been quite nice to have around full time.

So, this is Baby Cousin, the cutest little baby in the world at the present time. Give her a hug from her auntie, Oddball and Sister-Who-Needs-New-Blog-Name. If you don’t come up with one, I’m going to choose it for you! You have been warned.

4 Responses to “My new niece!”

  1. Sister-Who-Wants-New-Blog-Name
    September 18th, 2007 06:08

    Yes, she is rather adorable. What can I say, I have gorgeous children! 😉

  2. Oddball
    September 18th, 2007 06:59

    I’m throwing my suggestions in the mix. Hottie, Oddball’s Wife, Hot Stuff, Best Aunt in the Whole Wide World, Best Sister EVER!, Mommy Who Has the Cutest Kids Possible, and my favorite, Cavalry Wife. Feel free to use any on them if you need to.

  3. Dozeymagz
    September 18th, 2007 11:02

    She is ADORABLE!!!!!
    Warmest congratulations to you all!
    Such happy news!

  4. Webmaster
    September 20th, 2007 09:28

    Or Phelgmatic Frau? 😉