
Sick little boy

Tad has a bad cold. I have purchased every cold medication applicable to our situation (plus a Vicks Vaporizer). So we are staying home today, which is just as well, because it’s pouring rain outside and I have plenty to keep me busy inside!

I took him to the doctor yesterday to rule out an ear infection or anything that could be treated with an antibiotic, but no luck. He does have a mild RSV cold, which is sitting right in his lungs. If he gets any worse on the coughing/wheezing front, we may have to use a nebulizer. He also spiked a bad fever yesterday, which is what finally prompted me (along with my mother) to take him in.

The doctor we saw yesterday was the same one we saw when he broke his arm. She sent us immediately to Children’s Hospital’s ER, so it was nice to see her again and thank her for all her help that day.

By the time we were actually seeing her, Tad was feeling pretty perky (Tylenol will do that) and was climbing on everything – including the doctor’s wheeled stool. He was standing on top of it and trying to jump off it.

“I can’t imagine how he broke his arm,” the doctor commented dryly.

He got a pretty good night of rest, thanks to drugs and the vaporizer. But we will be laying low for the next couple of days. Fortunately, I got some new books from the library (having finally finished Michael Palin on the day it was due!), and I’ve got a stamp camp to prep for. Wish me luck!

4 Responses to “Sick little boy”

  1. Laurie
    October 17th, 2007 13:59

    I have a nebulizer you can borrow (including a dinosaur mask)!

  2. Cutest Cousins' Mommy
    October 17th, 2007 14:10

    I wish I could go to a stamp camp. (Pout!)

  3. Oddball
    October 17th, 2007 19:09

    Sorry to hear about Tad, but you mentioned books. I finish a great read, “The Historian” by Elizabeth Kostova. I also recommended it to Mom, I really liked it.

  4. Matthew
    October 20th, 2007 09:58

    My JT has gotten very good at the nebulizer. It’s “HIS MASK” and we make a game out of him wearing it. Sadly, he’s sounding alot like Tad right now. Hope Tad recovers quickly!