
Looking for a husband

Is this not the cutest Mary you have ever seen? Yes, I’m biased.

Last Sunday was our church’s annual children’s Christmas program. The preschoolers sang two songs – “No Room at the Inn” and “Happy Birthday Jesus” – while dressed up in nativity costumes. When my mother talked to the kids about dressing up some weeks ago, they all had opinions on what they should be. One child wanted to be a sheep, another wanted to be Batman, Ane’s friend Lina wanted to be an elephant. Ane, on the other hand, told Grandma very directly, “I want to be MARY.”

She got her wish, mostly because she was the only one who asked to be Mary, I think (correct me if I’m wrong, Mom). Dolly played the important role of Baby Jesus, swaddled in one of Tad’s old blue receiving blankets.

Because she was going to be Mary, Ane also got it in her head that she was going to get married. She was on the hunt for a Joseph, and she’s not fond of the boy who did play Joseph at church – they are in Cubbies together and bicker constantly, because they are too much alike. In fact, as the kids were getting into costume on Sunday, one of the shepherds approached my mother and told her, “Joseph just told me that he doesn’t want to be with Mary.” We almost had a divorce before they ever got on stage. But everything went well, and Ane belted out the songs loud and clear – and I mean LOUD and clear. We’re getting the DVD.

Anyway, I learned that Ane has been actively hunting for a Joseph at school. Yesterday, one of the moms told me that she had been helping in the class the week before, and Ane had propositioned one of the boys in the class about being her Joseph. Since there are only 3 boys in the class, she didn’t have many choices, and noticeably, she chose the shyest boy in class.

All the better to bend to her will, apparently. I’m almost beginning to feel sorry for her future husband.

2 Responses to “Looking for a husband”

  1. Cousins' Mommy
    December 12th, 2007 06:48

    I’ve felt sorry for her future husband for about two years now.

    I’ll wan tot see the DVD when I’m visiting!

  2. Doc
    December 12th, 2007 11:54

    Who knows? Maybe the wise men had elephants with them. Or giraffes?