
Summer Plans

At preschool on Monday, Ane’s teachers had several activities set up for both students and mothers to do during the Mother’s Day class. One of them was to create a list of “10 Things To Do With Mom This Summer.”

Here is the list Ane came up with:

1) Go to the zoo
2) Ride on a roller coaster
3) Go to Disneyland (we are in the planning stages of this trip…)
4) Visit family (she originally said “Visit Uncle Captain”, but I amended it to include more people)
5) Play in the pool (both the wading pool and the community swimming pool)
6) Go to tea (again!)
7) Go shopping (she loves the mall more than any four-year-old really should)
8) Read Little House in the Big Woods (my suggestion, since we’ve been reading chapters out of it to match her My First Little House books)
9) Go to the beach (she wants to break out her sand-castle building stuff)
10) Go to a baseball game (either the Everett Aquasox or the Seattle Mariners)

She also wanted to put down “Go to the North Pole”, but I talked her out of that one. However, I’ll keep it in mind as somewhere she wants to go if she REALLY gets on my nerves this summer.

3 Responses to “Summer Plans”

  1. Oddball
    May 14th, 2008 08:01

    What no visiting her favorite aunt and cousins?

  2. Ressis
    May 14th, 2008 09:44

    Does that “Visit[ing] family” include me, or do you still have some lame excuse?

  3. Deanna’s Corner » Blog Archive » Check the List
    August 27th, 2008 02:09

    […] May, Ane and I put together a list of things that she wanted to do this summer. I have actually kept this list in the kitchen since it was […]