
Archive for June, 2008

First Day of Summer

Friday, June 20th, 2008

We are so ready for more days that let us do this: Hopefully, more of these days are on our way! Minus the allergies, of course. PS – Happy Birthday, CW Mom! Card is in the mail (a day late, but I did remember)!

Nine years ago

Thursday, June 19th, 2008

On this day nine years ago, I read a poem in what must be a top competitor for the award of “longest wedding ceremony EVER.” The ceremony clocked in at over an hour, if my memory serves me correctly. Fortunately, I really liked the people who were getting married that day, so I didn’t mind […]

Allergies and accidents

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008

Aunt Lynda, your first guess was correct. Ane walked in through the back sliding glass door after a couple of hours playing outside, absolutely splotchy, and scratching at herself. “Mommy, my arm itches,” she whined. I took a horrified double-take, and then had her in the bathtub so fast that she hardly knew what had […]

The cottonwoods…

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

… they have bloomed. Little tufts of fluff and seeds floating everywhere. I’ve actually seen spots along the road where it looks like snow has accumulated. Guess who is suffering the most from allergies at the moment? A) The Webmaster B) Me C) Ane D) Tad I’ll give you a hint… someone broke out into […]