
We Love Obachan

With the kids’ school schedules, we’re not seeing Obachan once a week like we used to. But we are spending time with her doing different things. Her condo complex is undergoing a major remodel, so it’s just easier for us not to be there anyway.

This picture was taken at the end of September, when we were out at lunch. Both Ane and I are Obachan’s namesakes (we all share the same middle name), and I know, despite the noise that the kids create, she does enjoy spending time with them.

A few hours at a time. These kids create a LOT of noise.

One Response to “We Love Obachan”

  1. Nana
    October 25th, 2008 19:01

    That is the sweetest picture. I look forward to visiting with Obachan again at the next family gathering.