
Back to school

Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Tad is back in school this week, after mid-winter break last week. He is SO glad to be back. I could tell that he missed school when he followed Ane into her classroom on Thursday morning, went to the book corner after greeting the classroom frog (the teacher keeps a pet frog and a pet fish) and tried to settle down in one of the kid-sized easy chairs to “read” a book.

I had to carry him out of the classroom, and he was not pleased. Neither was Ane – she doesn’t like it when he intrudes on her life.

So, all is back to normal this week. But then Ane only has one day of school the week after this – it’s conference week, and the one day of school she has, I will also be there for a review of her work so far this year with her teacher.

I’m not going to think that far ahead. I’ll just relish the feeling of normal this week.

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