
Thoughtful Things

I particularly want to thank a few people for some thoughtful things they have done for the kids recently.

First of all, Ressis. I guess I should include Oddball, Little Cousin and Baby Cousin in this as well. Ane absolutely loved her Easter gift, and she wasted no time getting it all put together:

150 pieces!

That’s 150 pieces, people, and she did it all by herself. Ane loved the tin that the puzzle came in especially.

Second, Linda sent the kids a CD of music. Thank you! We were surprised to get it in the mail, but we very much appreciate it!

And finally, CW Mom. I stopped off at the library yesterday – we usually go on Tuesdays for storytime in the evening, but our children’s librarian has been on vacation this month, so I’ve been stopping in on Tuesday mornings, the up side of which I get to visit/harass my friend C., who is the teen librarian. When C. saw me come in yesterday, she immediately said, “Oh, CW Mom gave me something to give to you – I hope I stuck it in my bag this morning!”

She went back to her desk, and brought back a copy of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide, which I didn’t even know existed. C. told me that CW Mom had found it at the Seattle Public Library’s book sale last weekend, and knew that there might be someone at our house who would appreciate it. It’s in very good shape, with only a few pages having been ripped out and then taped back in (which is probably why it ended up in the book sale) – and when Tad got up from his nap and saw it, he was absolutely enthralled with it.

Tad LOVES his new book!

He even tried to take it to bed with him last night, but I told him it was far too big and heavy to sleep with. So he left it on the glider in his room – probably so he can look at it as soon as he gets up this morning. He spent quite a bit of yesterday evening just reading through it – and then insisted that I read it to him at bedtime. I think he has a new favorite book.

So, thank you so much, CW Mom. You’ve made one little boy very happy. And thank you very much to C. for playing mail carrier.

Thank you, thank you all, to our thoughtful family and friends.

3 Responses to “Thoughtful Things”

  1. Ressis
    April 22nd, 2009 06:39

    You’re welcome!

  2. CW Mom
    April 22nd, 2009 10:21

    I am so glad you like it. I meant to e-mail you to tell you it was coming but obviously forgot. Henry and I saw that looked at eachother and snapped it up!

  3. linda
    April 22nd, 2009 18:54

    You are welcome!