
Is it just me?

Anyone else getting that impending sense of panic now that Christmas is only six weeks off?

Oh, okay.

I think we all have permission to panic now.

In other news, Tad is working on, um, standing up for the potty. It’s a good thing his father is handling that end of things, because this is not in my realm of expertise, if you know what I mean.

Rerun, however, believes that my bladder is his own personal air mattress and is constantly poking/punching/kicking at it to make it comfortable. Ow.

And Ane is starting to ask about her birthday plans. I think I get to panic more than the rest of you, because I have a birthday party for a soon-to-be six-year-old (!) to think about.

2 Responses to “Is it just me?”

  1. Ressis
    November 12th, 2009 08:49

    SIX WEEKS!?!? At least we have our plane tickets purchased. Looking at my list, though, we’re doing pretty well. But I really need to dedicate some hours to Christmas cards.

  2. Cousin Shelley
    November 12th, 2009 09:14

    I just finally came to terms with the fact summer is over…I can’t deal with these holidays yet!