
Archive for December, 2009

Tad’s Philosophy of Life

Friday, December 18th, 2009

We all know Tad loves his bunny. We also know that Tad takes books somewhat literally. In this case… “You can eat breakfast with a bunny on your head.”

Ane Speaks – puppy edition

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

The kids want a puppy. I want a puppy. The holdout is the Webmaster, who has a million reasons/excuses for why we shouldn’t have a dog. But the bottom line is that he just doesn’t want a dog. A cat he would be fine with, but we can’t have an indoor kitty and the last […]

Ane Speaks – food edition

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

I have been really working on getting my Christmas cookies made. First of all, I love making them. Second, I love giving them. Third, I love the way the house smells when I’m making them. The list goes on and on. Yesterday’s cookie of the day was Gingerbread Bears. There’s a reason these only get […]

Gripe of the Day

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

If you are moving, or if you plan on being somewhere else over the Christmas holidays and would like your cards sent to a different address, it is both WISE and PRUDENT to send out your own cards BEFORE mid-December, so people on your Christmas card list can re-direct your card appropriately. Also, if you […]