
Sort of Normal

We’re slowly easing our way out of the perpetual holiday mode and back into real life. With a stop at birthday crazy on the way. Fortunately, after this weekend, all the birthday crazy will be OVER and we can go back to our real lives.

Which means that I have to confront the real, solid fact that there will be a baby arriving here in a couple of months. Strangely, I don’t feel an impending sense of panic. I do have the urge to make a few lists, though.

Anyway, here are signs that we are coming back to normal:

– Tad comes home from school with sand in his shoes
– Ane had math homework last night
– I had to remember to pack Ane’s snacks in her backpack
– BUS!!!
– Reminding everyone to use the potty BEFORE getting on the bus
– Waking up to an unforgiving alarm while it is still dark
– packing the Webmaster’s lunch (which I did do while the kids were on vacation and he was still working) while he’s out at the bus stop with Tad.

Everyone else coming out of the Christmas/New Year’s fog yet?

3 Responses to “Sort of Normal”

  1. linda
    January 8th, 2010 06:02

    Fog? What Christmas/New Years Fog? Seems like I live in a Perpetual Fog!
    We had a Wonderful Christmas/New Years and hope that All did, also!
    To a Joyous and Wonderful 2010!
    Have FUN making for Rerun!This is such a Wonderful and Happy time for you!

  2. Ressis
    January 8th, 2010 07:15

    My fog certainly lasted this whole week, especially since Oddball was on a two-day trip for his class. He should be back today and I will sleep in tomorrow!

  3. Aimee
    January 8th, 2010 10:43

    Fog…is that what we’re calling it? I just thought it was denial & procrastination. Now that we are back in the routine, I guess it’s time to officially call the holidays over and UN-decorate. Blecckkk!