
Ane & Tad Speak – Baby Edition

Ane: (after watching me nurse Rerun) Have you milked him on both sides yet?

Me:  I’m not milking him, I’m nursing him!  (Thinking: I’m the one being milked…)


Tad: (in the car, listening to Rerun fuss and warm up for a good cry) Mama, baby cry.  Mama, it’s LOUD!

Me:  I know.  (Thinking:  Pot, meet kettle.  Do you ever listen to yourself?)


As you can kind of tell, I’m easing back into my regular blogging routine, so make sure you check back on the weekdays to not miss anything.  We’re taking cute pictures of Rerun almost daily!  Here’s some cuteness to tide you over for the weekend…

3 Responses to “Ane & Tad Speak – Baby Edition”

  1. Ressis
    March 26th, 2010 10:07

    Awe, what a cutie!

  2. Nana
    March 27th, 2010 14:19

    Thanks for the cuteness fix!

  3. Aunt Mary
    April 3rd, 2010 03:51
