
Monday Monday

This morning has already gotten off to a hectic start.

Ane has music camp this week at church… which is from 9 am to 3 pm each day.  In other words, very much like SCHOOL!  She even has to take a sack lunch every day – which isn’t even in a sack, but her Princess lunchbox!  She desperately needs this diversion.  Since music camp is this week, right before Independence Day, the kids will be working on patriotic songs.

But it also meant that I had to get breakfast made and into her before Grandma came to pick her up – and drop off Libby.  We did a bit of a trade this morning – I’m watching Libby (who was kind of disappointed to see Ane walk out the door, since she considers Tad to be a crazed boy) and Grandma is volunteering at music camp (she knows the director and was asked to help out).  I made a really good breakfast at the cost of Rerun’s sanity – he REALLY wanted Mama (he’d eaten, but he wanted to be cuddled) and was having to suffer in his cradle while I flipped pancakes.  I made Mickey Mouse pancakes this morning.  Ane ate one.  Tad ate one.  Libby decided against it, saying that she’d had enough breakfast at home.

Oh, well.  More for me.

Look, a cute baby!

Anyway, Ane is going to be busy this week, Tad has the Discovery Channel Shark Week 20th Anniversary DVD set from the library to watch, and Rerun has a basket of clean diapers.  I think this is going to be a good week.

Wait, don’t I have a dentist appointment this week?  Rats.

One Response to “Monday Monday”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    June 28th, 2010 10:48

    Now, that’s a big smile! Sounds like a busy week, but I’m sure Ane will love music camp.