
First Day Photos

Here they are!

Ane was ready and raring to go this morning.

New shirt, new headband, new jeans, new shoes and curled hair.

Because it’s not first grade unless you have new shoes and a gap in your mouth where a tooth used to be.

Tad, who is in afternoon kindergarten, was less enthusiastic about getting on the bus and going to school.

He had a new shirt and new jeans, but he’s a boy.  New clothes mean almost nothing – unless there’s a shark on the shirt.

But he went – whining a little – onto the bus, and I really hope that he has a good day at his new school.

And Rerun is napping, so there is peace and quiet.  For now.

I could get used to this!

2 Responses to “First Day Photos”

  1. Ressis
    September 1st, 2010 11:33

    I love Ane’s top. Miss you guys, and I hope they have a great first day!

  2. Nana
    September 2nd, 2010 06:55

    First day excitement! We’re so glad about Ane’s teacher and Tad’s bus driver. It really is a small world, even in the city!