
A snapshot that says so much

This looks like a typical evening here at the Corner Haus.

Ane doing her math homework.  The Webmaster helping her – and feeding Rerun his dinner.  Rerun waiting patiently for his next bite.

The kitchen table, which is perpetually cluttered.  And you can’t even see all the LEGO sets at the other end of it.

Maybe someday, I will have a neat and tidy house, like I see in all those magazines, where even the clutter is tastefully placed about.  But would that be as much fun?

2 Responses to “A snapshot that says so much”

  1. Ressis
    October 19th, 2010 07:16

    Where’s Tad?

  2. Aunt Mary
    October 20th, 2010 13:16

    And who says men can’t multitask?