
Tad Speaks, and impending snow day

The holidays are fast upon us, and it hit me like a ton of bricks… Rerun doesn’t have a Christmas stocking made yet!


Now, all of our Christmas stockings are handmade by my mother and me (but mostly by my Mom), and have our names cross-stitched (by me) on the cuff of the stocking.  So I yanked out the pattern, pulled out the fabric that I already had bought last Christmas when velveteen was on a better selection (Rerun’s stocking will be Christmas red – all of our stockings are in jewel tones), did a quick consult on the pattern with my mom, and started cross-stitching Rerun’s name on evenweave fabric to get that out of the way.

So, Sunday afternoon, while Rerun was napping, Ane was at rehearsal for the Christmas program at church, and Tad was watching the Seahawks game with me, I sat on the couch and sewed.  At one point, I needed to re-thread my needle, so I stuck it in the arm of the couch and started to unwind some more red floss.

Tad stood right in front of me and gaped.  “Mama!  Mama!  MAMA!”


He pointed at the needle.  “You broke my couch!”

I snorted back a laugh.  “It’s not broken, Tad, look, it’s just there until I get more thread ready.”  I quickly pulled the floss apart, then pulled the needle out to thread it.  Tad let out an exaggerated sigh.

What a ham.

AND… we already know that school has been canceled for today (God help us all).  There will be snow… pictures!  After all, this is Rerun’s first snow!  He got a look at flurries on Sunday, but we’ll bundle him up for a good look at it today.

This is one of those moments that it’s really nice to have the Webmaster not working, because he doesn’t have to drive out in all of this.  However, Friend is supposed to be having a baby today, so everybody be praying that she and Doc make it to the hospital safely for her planned induction!

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