
Ane Speaks – reading edition

Ane’s reading has really been improving.  Although she does get frustrated that it doesn’t come “naturally” to her, she has worked very hard and is doing quite well.

We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory last week for dinner after piano lessons – I was tired and didn’t want to think about making dinner, and with the Webmaster gainfully employed (!), dinner out is an okay treat.  I was proud of Ane for ordering something new and different – the cheese and spinach ravioli in marinara sauce – which she really enjoyed.  She also played a few rounds of tic-tac-toe with her Dad – she’s getting the hang of the game.

And then, out of the blue, she asks, “Why does that sign over there say ‘No Morons’?”

The Webmaster and I both turn and look.  The sign says “No Minors.”  It’s the entrance to the bar.

I smiled, but the Webmaster started laughing so hard that I thought he was going to choke.  I corrected her and explained it.  Meanwhile, the Webmaster wiped the tears out of his eyes and we continued on with our meal.

Oh, the fun we have…

4 Responses to “Ane Speaks – reading edition”

  1. Ressis
    January 27th, 2011 04:56

    I love that girl. 😉

  2. Oddball
    January 27th, 2011 10:37

    I swear I have seen this story before. Still funny though.

  3. Cousin Shelley
    January 27th, 2011 11:02

    Picturing the Webmaster laughing made me laugh at this story!

  4. Nana
    January 27th, 2011 21:08

    Once the “T” fell off the sign at the Morton Post Office….