
Easter Sunday

We got up extra early on Easter Sunday.  I really really really had to be on time for first service at church, since I was scheduled for nursery duty.  (We ended up with six kids total, so not so bad.)  So the Webmaster and I got up and moving and dressed, and then got the kids up and moving and dressed for a few pictures.  I always try to take pictures BEFORE church, because I can’t guarantee that their nice clothes will still be nice four hours later.  They are kids, after all.

Fortunately, all three were in reasonably compliant moods, and I got a good picture.

The boys were wearing matching polos that I’d picked up at Janie & Jack on clearance.  I had wanted to find them something that matched for Easter, and I went with a nice and simple white polo with the navy trim.

Ane, on the other hand, wore Auntie’s flower girl dress from my and the Webmaster’s wedding.  We’ve been married over 10 years and now our daughter can wear this dress.

The Easter Bunny always comes to our house while we are at church, or we’d never get the kids out the door (especially Tad).  We have done this ever since Ane was little.  I always make sure I’m the last person out the door on Easter morning.

Every child got two books each, and Ane and Tad got the Battle of Endor LEGO set.  Rerun got a set of zoo Duplos.  The Easter Bunny kept it simple this year, which was a good thing.  The kids were thrilled with what they got.

Poor Rerun fell asleep on the way home from church, so he didn’t get a peek at his Easter basket until after we got home from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa’s house.  But he was pleased with the contents – even if he wasn’t as smiley as he might have been.

The Duplos were a hit.

And Rerun has been very nice about sharing them with Tad, fortunately.

More tomorrow…

3 Responses to “Easter Sunday”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    April 27th, 2011 06:49

    Looks like they stayed clean through church. Really cute outfits. And smiles.

  2. Nana
    April 27th, 2011 08:14

    The shot with all three is now our computer background. What a keeper!

  3. Erin
    April 29th, 2011 07:10

    We have that Battle of Endor. It takes a long time to put together but is very cool when it is 🙂