
Decisions, Decisions

Backtracking to a week ago, when the Webmaster and Ane went to the Father-Daughter Dance…

I was at home with Tad and Rerun, so it was Mother and Sons Movie Night.  Since Rerun is not picky or opinionated about movies, Tad got to do the choosing.

“Mama, how about Star Wars movie?”

Yes, but the question is… which one?

I laid all six movies out in front of him, and my boy did me proud.

I have taught him well, it seems.  We had a fun night together.  I love my boys.

One Response to “Decisions, Decisions”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    April 29th, 2011 08:40

    And I suppose, when he was looking, he was going over the plot of each one in his head! What an amazing kid!