
Last Days

Today is Tad’s last day of kindergarten.  Tomorrow will Ane’s last day of first grade.

I’m actually quite ready for Ane to move on.  Tad… not so much.  I visited a CLC first/second grade classroom yesterday with one of the vice-principals at Tad’s school, and was pleased with the skill set that they are promoting and the continuity that they will provide for Tad next year.

On a side note, I am getting the definite vibe from everyone in administration positions that holding Tad back in the CLC will not happen unless I a) demand it, and b) throw a temper tantrum about it.  On the advice of someone who we’re related to and who knows how these things work, this is an issue we will revisit next February or March.  I have no problem letting things proceed as they are right now, and having Tad move on to first grade.

I will miss both Tad’s teacher Mrs. W (and the entire fantastic team of paraeducators that she has), and Ane’s teacher Ms. V (who she has had for two years, which is making this transition more difficult for Ane), but I know that I will be seeing both of them at different events and school functions.  I was looking forward to Tad’s summer school session, because Mrs. W would have been his teacher, but she told me yesterday that she has decided to take this summer off to “recharge.”

I joked that a year of Tad will do that to anyone.

She replied, “If all the kids were like Tad, I wouldn’t be taking the summer off.”

Which was nice to hear.  After just being in the class once a week this year, I completely understand her need to have a summer off to enjoy her own life and her own kids.  She definitely deserves it.

I’m actually looking forward to this little break between the kids getting out and Tad going back.  We’ll try and do some fun things and wind down a little bit.

I know that Rerun is looking forward to sampling the bark at all the local parks.

3 Responses to “Last Days”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    June 21st, 2011 07:32

    I’m sure the relative has good advice. And at least Rerun is eating bark. My daughter ate dirt from the driveway, after carefully taking the rocks out of it.

  2. Aunt Mary
    June 21st, 2011 13:34

    Enjoy the summer with your little ones. A little slower pace will be nice for a while. Actually, I guess it’s not slower, just different!

  3. Deanna's Corner » Blog Archive » Summer School
    July 11th, 2011 00:28

    […] their classrooms.  Tad’s teacher, Mrs. W, usually teaches during the summer session, but decided not to this year.  I was curious to see who Tad would have for a teacher, and who would be in his […]