
Archive for August, 2011

Be Prepared

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

One never knows when the Commissioner will call, so it’s best to have your crime-fighting gear all in one place where you can find it. Tad actually left all of his gear there at bedtime a couple of days ago.  It was very humorous. And yes, that’s a new cowl/mask.  I bought a 4 pack […]

Rerun Update

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

I’m glad I’m writing this today, instead of yesterday.  Rerun is much improved. He came down sick at Tad’s party, but we honestly thought he had just choked on his food.  So we weren’t certain what to do, but we started making plans for church the next morning. However, after the Webmaster and Ane had […]

Cake Fail

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

So, I promised you a story about Tad’s Batman ice cream cake. As you can see by this picture, which I also posted yesterday – – we have a issue with legibility.  And color.  And space. I ordered the cake the Sunday before the party from the local Dairy Queen (Thrasher’s Corner, for those of […]

Batman Birthday

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Lest you have forgotten, and as Tad kept reminding us, it was his BATMAN birthday.