
“But what about ME??”

So, it might be my gallbladder.  Or not.  All I know is, the radiologist will get back to the doctor who referred me sometime today to tell him what the ultrasound of my liver and gallbladder looked like.  Or not.

If not, call by 3 pm to see if they sent the report yet.

Obviously, I’m not going to drop dead or be hospitalized at any given second, so I am laying as low as possible, with Friend’s generously loaned lavender heat pack warming my middle, and planning low-fat meals for the near future.

However, the kids’ reaction to this whole “Mom needs to go to the doctor” event was summed up quite nicely by Tad on Sunday night.

We were all over at Friend and Doc’s house, having dinner.  After dinner, I was in enough pain to tell the Webmaster that we needed to get home early.  Friend graciously sped up the kids’ dessert, and I told them to get ready to leave.

Tad said, “Why, Mama?”

“Because Mama doesn’t feel good and we should get home.”

He looked up at me with his big hazel brown eyes and said plaintively, “But what about ME??”

Which is why I was up at 2 am doing laundry last night, and finishing putting together Ane’s valentines for her class (she’d decorated the fronts, I was just putting them on card stock).  Because even if Mom is sick, people still need underwear and the valentines still have to be made.

And, when you’re six and a half and on a carefully constructed schedule that resides on the fridge door for you to check every day, it really is all about you.

And yes, the valentines are done.

5 Responses to ““But what about ME??””

  1. Ressis
    February 14th, 2012 05:28

    Little Cousin was very concerned abou you when I told her you are sick.

    I have some great vegan recipes if you’d like to try them!

  2. Oddball
    February 14th, 2012 07:23

    Ressis is kidding, some of the recipes she has are really tasty and rather easy to make. I rather enjoy them.

  3. Oddball
    February 14th, 2012 07:35

    Shoot I meant “Ressis is not kidding” sorry abou that

  4. Nana
    February 14th, 2012 07:35

    So Sorry! After I survive Valentine’s day at the flower shop today, hordes of guys coming in with that deer-in-the-headlights look as they did yesterday, I/we will be free to help. Just call.

  5. Aunt Lynda
    February 14th, 2012 08:33

    It really is a major happening when Mom gets sick. And very hard to understand. Empathy must be one of the last senses they learn.