
After the Weekend

I am pleased to report that the Webmaster is beginning to feel better. Two words: pain management. He saw the surgeon on Friday and we got careful instructions on how best to let him heal and recuperate. And he needs to get into some physical therapy in about another week.

We also saw Nana and Papa this weekend – today is Nana’s birthday, in fact! – and they got to check on the Webmaster for themselves. And play with the kids and hear about the first week of school.

But the biggest news of the weekend – in my mind, at least – was Rerun USING THE POTTY YESTERDAY.


He woke up dry from his nap, and he has begun to show lately that he does have some control. So I took him to the “pobby,” as he calls it, and set him down. AND HE WENT.

I did a lot of cheering (can you blame me??) and there was an immediate cookie reward (mini Nutter Butters). As I cheered and clapped, Rerun, being the ham that he is, waved his hands to his adoring fan and said, “Dank oo, dank oo!” Kid pretty much took a bow.

After all the effort we went through to train Tad, I sure could use an “easy” kid in this area. Guess I’d better lay in a supply of Nutter Butters!

2 Responses to “After the Weekend”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    September 10th, 2012 06:27

    Hooray!! What a cutie he is!!
    Tell Webmaster to heal fast. I didn’t do PT with either of my shoulders, but they were rotator cuffs.

  2. Ressis
    September 10th, 2012 12:24

    Good for Rerun!