
Hello In There

Tad is fascinated with the concept of a baby growing inside of me, and the changes in my size.  And ever since he was able to feel actual kicking, his interest has only gotten stronger.

Lately, he’s been asking me “Mama, is the baby growing?” and I will let him feel whatever movement is going on.  Then, just a couple of days ago, he pressed his ear to my belly and said, “Mama, the baby is talking to me!”

“Really?”  I said, amused.  “What is the baby saying to you?”

“He says, ‘I love you,'” Tad told me.

My heart melted.

Tad is so much more aware of what is happening this time – the result of three years and experience with a newborn baby that turns into a little brother, and because of his constantly improving speech skills, we know that he DOES remember when Rerun was “in my tummy” and then a brand-new baby.

I can only hope that this fascination and love continues after the baby arrives!

One Response to “Hello In There”

  1. Ressis
    January 22nd, 2013 06:20
