

Someone was not pleased with the fact that he needed a haircut.

He is plotting against me

The three boys were all on the over-fluffy side, so off to Rae they went – including Thumper, who behaved, but didn’t enjoy it.


All done!

He was rewarded with an Otter Pop later.  He loves these things.  He will bite off a chunk, walk away to let it melt, and then come back for more.

Enjoying an Otter Pop

But I don’t think he’s going to go willingly for a haircut again anytime soon.

And today is Grandma’s birthday!  Happy birthday, Grandma!  We love you and the brownies are baked for your birthday dessert!

One Response to “Stinkeye”

  1. Ressis
    July 10th, 2014 07:45

    Ah, but Thumper you look so cute!