
One Happy Boy

I emailed Tad’s teacher to ask when a good  time would be to stop by and see her.  She went on maternity leave last April, and is back to teach Tad’s class this year.  So Tad and I went to visit yesterday.

He was SO VERY HAPPY.  It was wonderful.

Tad and Ms. W

Tad was so thrilled to see her, it was beaming out of him.  Then he promptly settled down and “read” a few dozen books while we chatted and got caught up on how her maternity leave and the summer has gone.

Come next Tuesday, there is going to be one very happy boy walking back into his classroom.  I can’t express what a joy it is to send him to school, knowing that he loves his teacher and his teacher loves him.

Ane also learned who her teacher is going to be yesterday at her school – she will have Mr. R this year, her cross-country coach from last year!  Both Auntie and I were thrilled with this decision (Auntie knows many of the teachers after doing some student teaching there last fall) and think it will be a very good change for Ane.  She’s never had a man teacher outside of PE before, and this is the same age I was when I had my first male teacher – fifth grade, Mr. G.  Grandma did almost as much homework as I did that year!  I’m not saying this year will be like that for Ane – Mr. G was VERY old school – but I am looking forward to seeing her adjust and react to a completely different teaching style.  And she already found out that some of her good friends are in her class, so she’s pretty excited!

Will next Tuesday never come?

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