
Striking Twelve

My dear Ane,

Here we are again, at another birthday celebration for you.  And now you are twelve.  I remember being twelve so very clearly, that it blows my mind to think that my own daughter has reached this age.  With that being said, I am hoping to share some hard-earned knowledge and spare you a little pain in the future when it comes to this age.

  1. If you’re not sure if it’s appropriate to read, ask Mom first.
  2. If you’re not sure if it’s appropriate to watch, ask Mom first.
  3. If you’re not sure if it’s appropriate to do, ask Mom first.

There, that should cover it.

Seriously, though, this is a difficult period of time in anyone’s life.  Your body and emotions are all changing and going haywire.  What you used to say is now coming out of your mouth in a completely different tone and attitude than it used to.  Your brothers are doing things, and you used to be able to brush it off, but now it is JUST SO ANNOYING THAT YOU CAN HARDLY STAND IT.

As Baymax once said, “Diagnosis: puberty.”

But your word for this coming year is “kindness.”

You have so many adults in your life that have shown you great patience and kindness in their interactions with you, and I am profoundly grateful that you have so many positive influences surrounding you, especially the ones who are not related to you at all.  Now I need you to turn around and extend those same kindnesses and patience to your younger brothers.  Yes, they get into your stuff.  Yes, they mess with your routines.  Yes, they annoy you.  Yes, two of them are on the autism spectrum, and one of them is too bright for his own good.  You are still capable of showing them kindness – even if it has to be through gritted teeth.  And remember – we have given you a lot of responsibility, but not ALL the responsibility.  If Dad or I are standing right there, or Grandma, Gichan, Auntie, or another “in-charge” grown-up of the moment, you need to let us deal with the boys.  Someday, you will have your own kids and have to be the grown-up in charge.  Until then, you can let us handle them without needing to interfere (or provide commentary).

We love you so much, and if you could stop growing up quite so fast, that would be great.  But in the meantime, we’ll just spend time together watching “Doctor Who” and not dwell on how fast time is flying.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 

Happy birthday, Ane!

Happy 12th birthday, my sweet daughter.


One Response to “Striking Twelve”

  1. linda
    December 28th, 2015 08:58

    Happy Birthday, Ane!
    We send you 12 big gentle squeezes and wishes for a Super year!
    We also agree with your Mom’s letter recommendatiosns: Ask Mom!
    Love from the two of us,
    Linda and George