
Progress Reports

Last week was the end of the semester, and the kids’ report cards came home yesterday.

Ane: everything looks good!  We seem to have put math issues behind us!  (Though her teacher notes that she wasn’t around for a chunk of this grading cycle, being on maternity leave 5 days into the school year and all.)

Tad: making progress.  Looks like we will meet his IEP goals, and he’s moving up in math.  He got a real report card along with an update on the IEP goals, and got a perfect grade in…. art!  No surprise there!  It’s nice to see that one of his innate talents is being recognized.

Rerun:  hoooo boy.  This kid.  Academically, brilliant.  (The goal for every kindergartener is for them to read at level C by the end of the school year – it starts at AA, then A, then B, and so on.  Rerun’s report card notes that he is reading at level K, which they consider to be “end of first grade” territory.)  But every compliment is followed by “Rerun needs to focus on following directions, solving problems appropriately, working independently, and staying on task.”  Yeah, sounds like him.  His latest escapade (throwing a pencil at his teacher) resulted in him having to write an apology note, and I accidentally called his classroom in the middle of his writing it.  (I wasn’t checking up on him – Tad’s ABA had been canceled, and I had to get a hold of Rerun’s teacher to tell her to put him on the school bus, instead of having me pick him up.)  If this kid can just get some self-control, he could be amazing.  Instead, he’s got too many brains for his own good.

Soon, we are going to enter IEP season.  Thumper is going to have one written as he enters preschool, Rerun’s is going to get an early update (we are also trying to figure out his placement for next year), and by the time those are done, it’ll be time to update Tad’s.  Fun, fun times!

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