
Social Doings

Ane has the most active social life out of any of us right now.  The end of the school year is upon us, and it’s a big deal, as she is finishing 6th grade at her beloved elementary school.  She has spent the last 7 years there, which is the longest she’ll be at any school.

So, it was really important that she not miss the 6th grade picnic.  Of course, I had scheduled an orthodontist appointment for that morning, and had just planned on taking her to school late that day.  This was before we had known the day of the picnic.  So I rescheduled the appointment.

And with starting 7th grade, she was invited to a “welcome to the youth group” tea party a couple of weekends from now.  Of course, it ends up being on the same day and time as a birthday party that she would have enjoyed attending.  We’re starting to run into these conflicts more and more with her.  And she’s having to make tough decisions on which events to do.

It’s so hard to be an almost-teenager and have a social life.

Too Tall Ane

Especially when you discover that you are officially too tall for the monkey bars at the zoo.

One Response to “Social Doings”

  1. linda
    June 7th, 2016 05:19

    Ane, you are a beautiful young lady! Monkey bars are no longer a challenge for you…time to choose a new higher and loftier bar! We love you!