
Archive for July, 2016

Hawaii, Day Five – Pearl Harbor

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

It seems that every time we visit the Major and Q-Bee, we take Ane out for a special day by herself to focus on American history.  While we were in DC, we gave her the day out and her special trip to Ford’s Theatre.  This time, we took her to Pearl Harbor. Now, I have […]

Hawaii, Day Four – Bellows Beach Burn

Monday, July 18th, 2016

We hit the beach on that Saturday – and the beach hit us back. The high winds were still in effect, which made for some big rough waves.  The waves were strong enough at one point that they swept Tad’s goggles right off his face.  They are probably still floating out in the ocean somewhere, […]

Flashback Friday

Friday, July 15th, 2016

Interrupting the travelogue for this flashback, from the last time we visited the Major and Q-Bee… in Virginia, in 2014. How my kids have grown! More stories on Monday!

Hawaii, Day Three – High Winds on the North Shore

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Our third day in Hawaii was supposed to fulfill all of Tad’s dreams.  This was the day that he and the Webmaster were going to head up to the North Shore, and go on a shark cage dive. And we were all excited for him! And then I got a text about an hour after […]