
Not Sick Enough

Oh, Rerun.

This poor kid keeps getting sent to the nurse’s office, and then we end up taking him to the pediatrician’s office.  We’re still trying to figure out what is causing some pain during urination (his stuff is off to the lab for a third urinalysis), but in the meantime, he’s finally got some medication that should help make a difference for him.

But since he got sent home from school over this, he has to stay home today.

I want it on the record that he is not sick enough to stay home from school, and this entire situation is highly obnoxious.  It’s very annoying to have a relatively healthy kid stuck at home, feeling fine, and wanting to act not-sick.  He was out riding his scooter last night after dinner.

If we could just figure out what is going on, maybe we could fix it?  In the meantime, Rerun gets another free day off.  Well, except for the homework he has in his backpack.

One Response to “Not Sick Enough”

  1. Nana
    May 18th, 2017 06:47

    I hope and pray he is OK by now. May 18